Mental RFC Evaluation Child ADD/ADHD


ADD and/or ADHD Diagnosis and Childhood Mental Disorders for SSI and SSD Childhood SSI and SSD mental disorders as defined by the Social Security Administration (SSA) are categorized just as adult SSI and SSD disorders are catagorized. The listings can be found here: This represents the most common Childhood Mental Disorder.  Childhood mental disorders consider activities appropriate to children, such as learning, growing, playing, maturing, and school adjustment, are also different from the activities appropriate to the adult and vary widely in the different childhood stages. Lee Ann Torrans:  I no longer practice law.  Please see Terms of Use for [...]

Mental RFC Evaluation Child ADD/ADHD2019-10-13T11:45:54-05:00

Alzheimers and Social Security


Lee Ann Torrans --- Fair Park Esplanade Fountain The Social Security Administration has included early-onset Alzheimer's disease among the medical conditions that will be given automatic approval for disability benefits, rather than have individuals go through what could be a lengthy qualification process. Fast-tracking the process to obtain benefits, the Social Security Administration is assisting countless younger individuals with Alzheimer's disease and their families whose quality of life depends on this type of support. The Compassionate Allowance will make an enormous difference in enabling affected individuals to move toward managing their diagnosis and planning for the future. In its [...]

Alzheimers and Social Security2019-10-13T11:45:56-05:00