
The Texas western sun sets on DePuy.

Why Should the Aged Eagle Stretch Its Wings?

J&J can get away with a lot.  Can they get away with impunity?  That is not just a question for Attorney Generals, the Department of Justice, foreign governments. That is also a question for you.

Organize, Unite and Fight.

You are Johnson & Johnson’s worst nightmare.

Welcome to 2015.  J&J and their attorneys are still stuck in 1999.  Their stock is soaring.

It’s Time for the Serious Attorneys

Johnson & Johnson and three sets of their attorneys have reviewed today’s post including Duane MorrisQuattlebaum, Grooms, Tull & Burrow PLLC;  Defense counsel and a building security team located just outside of Boston, MA., RLA Associates, Inc. which was accessed from a email from?  Yep.


If J&J spent one tenth as much time protecting their patient’s interests and they spend protecting their own — you would not have these issues.  Building security?  Are they afraid you are going to rush them with your wheel chairs and walkers.  Are they afraid I am going to stand ACROSS THE STREET and photograph their building?   I thought they were too busy monitoring this site.

Website Slowdown and Massive Ongoing Attacks

This website has never received such massive, relentless ongoing attacks.  I have slowed down their ability to hit but this continues to be relentless.  The network has been taken down on at least four occassions. I have tightened security four times.  If you have trouble accessing this site this is why.  My first line of security defense was manipulated and weakened.  It has been reinforced.

These documented and unprecedented attacks began in conjunction with this event:

Guangzhou, China
118 hits in ten hours
Guangzhou, China
433 hits in ten hours

DePuy J&J Company Addison Texas Dallas

Humorous Spoofs and Serious Documentaries

You can do both.  This group has the talent, the experience and the resources.  The ONLY thing missing is organization.

You have the potential to influence how other countries treat J&J.

Your videos have the potential to impact actions being taken against J&J Worldwide where there may be NO DEFERRED PROSECUTION. They may actually be held accountable.  See: Indian Times Article

Criminal Investigation in India:  Mumbai India high Court directed DePuy Orthopedics to provide the names and addresses of corporate directors to police as part of a criminal investigation. The investigation centers on the death of an Indian man who died after having a hip replacement surgery involving a DePuy ASR. It is suspected that the death was caused by chromium and cobalt poisoning.

Short Humorous Spoof Videos

Video Ridicule:

Humorous videos that go viral are incredibly effective.  Your children, your friends, your neighbors all have iPhone cameras.  They are in country clubs, shopping, in restaurants, bars with the same human beings that make all this possible.  They are jogging, working out a gyms, sometimes the same gyms you or your family members frequent.  YOU OUT NUMBER THEM.  In accumulation these can be montaged effectively to demonstrate your story.  The J&J exec working out, while you can barely walk.  While one small image alone has minimal impact, together, networked your organization can rival that of J&J and all their law firms and attorneys united.

SEE SIMON’s CAT.  These are the video’s you need.  Forget everything you think you know about video and documentary. Go with what’s happening now. Involve this group of artitsts and this age group.  They will respond to your mission.  I have a list if you need it.

See Guardians of the Galaxy.  Link Here.  This is the direction to go.  This is the church of what’s happening now. Give these young people a chance and enlist young people to your cause.

Entertain and Be Funny

You can tell your story and still entertain.  Your story should focus primarily on those with some ‘splainin’ to do as Michael Moore puts it.  Read more here.

Laughter is a way, first of all, to alleviate the pain of what you know to be the truth. And if we’re trying to be truth tellers as filmmakers, then for God’s sake, what is wrong with giving the audience a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down? It’s hard enough for people to have to think about these issues and grapple with them, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with letting them laugh, because laughter is cathartic.  …  Humor can be devastating. Humor, ridicule, can be a very sharp edged sword to go after those in power, to go after those who are hurting others.

This country, this world, exists for the people, and not the few rich folks who run it. And those rich people in power have some ‘splainin’ to do.

Michael Moore

I love Michael Moore, but he is OLD. He is one generation behind. What he does is great but go with your grandchildren’s generation. Talk to them about Simon’s Cat.  Look at the artwork that appeals to them.  Involve them.

IndieGogo and IndieWire

J&J and the attorneys that represent them are like old, rusted, out of date battleships.  Go to IndieGogo and IndieWire to find your artists. Emulate them, consult with your grandchildren on this.  Appeal to and work with this generation.

Be nimble in fast little skiffs. All your resources, research, writing, art work, audio, video, photographs can be packaged and repackaged. Think of this as your inventory, your arsenal of reserves to be produced in multiple formats, focusing on multiple audiences, in multiple languages.

Tobacco Company Ridicule Impact:

At an advertising photoshoot for Marlboro, a company exec was asked by and under cover reporter, “Do you smoke?”  The response, “No man, we just sell the shit.”  As you probably know the Marlboro Man died of lung cancer. When sales of tobacco in the United States began to dwindle the tobacco companies increased Asian sales.


Let the Indie Artists create these graphics.

The Power of Ridicule

Read, “The Power of Ridicule.” …

These guys aren’t just snake oil Band Aid salesmen hawking defective medical devices from one small town to another, such as Houma to Gretna, to Carenco, Louisiana.  These guys are subject to DEFERRED PROSECUTION agreements, that expired, and when they did expire …. guess what?  See the Daily Show on Climate Change:

THE POWER OF RIDICULE in a massive network will work.  I am not trivializing your conditions, but there can be something both funny AND heart wrenching about angry seniors crippled and in walkers fighting back against company executives subject to deferred prosecution agreements who are working out and jogging.  Get those images, get them to professionals and expose J&J for what it is and what it knowingly, callously and indifferently has done to you.

Follow the lead in Tobacco and Climate Change.  There is no debate here, tobacco science was exposed with evidence of deceptive techniques, and public ridicule for denial of the obvious reality.  Climate Change denialists lost all credibility.  J&J has lost credibility.  Publish these facts and move forward with the most effective weapon you have, RIDICULE.

In the early 70’s a group of college students in a yellow Volkswagen drove to every Phillip Morris office, plant and facility they could find.  They would get out of the car and ask, “We’re looking for the Marlboro Man.  Is he here?”  The focus was on Phillip Morris, not the kids.  Keep that in mind.  Always put your focus on J&J and the attorneys that make all this possible for them.

Turn the IndieGogo and IndieWire kids lose on this subject matter – this topic.  These kids are unstoppable. Hire these kids to be your courtroom artists.

Cut your video several ways, short and humorous and consider a tight movie with a serious, sinister pace.  Remember, your photographs, film, research, writing can be packaged creatively in multiple formats and directed toward different audiences. You have the manpower to do this.   Indie film makers do not have these resources of retired people who can take you resources and create a variety of products.


Hire street artists to create these graphics.

Who Is Band Aid? It Is J&J

Put a face on them and their attorneys.   BandAid is run by people, who have skated on DEFERRED PROSECUTION.  Let the world see these people.  You wanted to see them, to know who they are.  So does the rest of the world, and in the correct context, this can be done.  Let attorneys monitor the publication of any photos of these people.

Be short, succinct and focus on THEM, not yourselves.  People get that you have been exploited and hurt.  Remember your interest here … “I just want to see the people that did this to me.”  Remember that sentiment, remember those feelings and go with that but make it entertaining and humorous.

Take No Action, not a Single Photograph without Attorney Approval

You cannot harass anyone. You cannot intimidate them or follow them.  However, if they are in a public place with no expectations of privacy, ask your attorney if you, or someone you know may photograph them.  Before any photo is published check with an attorney. They do have rights regarding invasion of privacy.  Consult with your attorney first and make certain you know the law before you photograph anyone or publish their photo.  Making a spoof is a different matter but check the law and check with an attorney, obviously before you publish that as well.

Do not spoof their trademark until Radiance Foundation v. NAACP is decided.  And even then … get legal approval.

Unite & Fight Johnson & Johnson

Unite & Fight Johnson & Johnson. Let an Indie Artist create a symbol for you.

Organize, Unite and Fight

Skills:  You have every skill you need, you have credibility, you simply need to organize.  Ministers, veterinarians, lawyers, teachers, computer programmers, advertising execs, public relations, you have it ALL.

Resources:  You have the equipment and people to run it. You have video editors, public relations execs, you have everything they have and more.

Documentaries do take expensive cameras.  These can be rented if no one has one to lend.

You can build camera stabalizers (link here) or camera tripod dollies (link here).  The engineers will actually love making this stuff, or at least the ones I know love this kind of thing.

Research:  Use your professors and MBA’s to create your thesis and foundation for research.  See below.  Use this as the foundation for your press releases as well.  Professors, some MBA’s and librarians have access to proprietary databases, the ones that are prohibitively expensive for most groups. They have the latest data upon which to formulate their research and the ability to properly document their research.  Make sure every fact is footnoted and documented.

Writers:  You have writers.  Have professors and MBA’s prepare the white papers that expose J&J.  Use this as the foundation for your writers.  See below under “Professors and MBA’s”.

Lighting: Lighting is important and does not have to be expensive.  You need it even outdoors.  I like Cowboy Studio for inexpensive lighting.  Even though the are located in Allen, Texas, they are a very good national company.

Sound:  Crucial. Period.  Must be perfect.  Engineers can make the booms.

Music: You have musicians – great ones. Music is one of the most important elements of a documentary.  Also, bands are now holding on to their music rights.  Find out who owns their own rights and who will support you with great music.  There are band managers that represent multiple bands.  If you need a list = that’s available.   Do not go to them until you have your film made.

Use rock ‘n’ roll. Use modern cutting edge musicians.  So many have left big record labels or have music and songs they have not published.  Use rock ‘n’ roll, this is crucial.

There are adorable rockers that appeal to the ten to fourteen year olds.  Then there are the bands that appeal to college age students.  Consider cutting your documentary for BOTH and using the music for the younger group in one and the older group in another.

Editing: You have video editors.

Art Work:  The kind of art work with which you are most familiar will most probably not work. Use the kind of artwork you see in street art. Use these young, in-touch artists or simulate their style.  Link here.

THE VOICE:  This is crucial.  You must have a narrative, impressive voice.  This may be where you want to put your money.

Accountants:  Budgeting matters and is direct and straight forward.  You have CPA’s.

Scheduling:  You have people who can organize you with online project management.

Documentary Distribution: By using rock ‘n’ roll heavily your distribution will be made easier at video venues such as YouTube.  The film guys can help you with film distribution. There is something incredibly appealing about seniors in walkers going to SunDance and other Indie Film venues.  This in and of itself will generate press.

Contracts: You have attorneys.  Run this like a business and set up and LLC.

Organize, organize, organize.  Michael Moore is NOT the only person in the world who can make a documentary: Farenheit 911 and Capitalism a Love Story.  You can, too.

Leaders:  You have incredible leaders amongst you.  Chose a leader that has walked (or hobbled and crawled) this path.  Let that person speak for you and move forward.

Goals:  Define your goals.  Research and follow Oregon’s example.  ( Link here )  Attorneys there may even speak with you as you define your goals and help focus your research.

Work to create an FDA Joint Implant Registry; this will help the greatest number of people but you need to explain why this is important.

Health networks with strong advertising budget needs look to J&J for support.  Scripps is tightening their belt so you bet revenue from J&J will matter.  Read more here.  Inherent in this reality is the fact that large corporations, whether they are J&J or the media groups that they pay to scrub their images … cannot compete with the ocean of resources springing up. Make your blogging network and the creative content with which you fill it, another insurmountable challenge.


Just a Very Few Documentary Resources:

Documentary Foundation Course

Five Mistakes Documentary Film Makers Make

Documentary How To

12 Tips on Documentaries

Michael Moore’s Rules on Documentaries

Public Relations

Focus your public relations on every age group and every nationality. The world of PR has become incredibly niche driven.  Here is where you can absolutely expand your reach and focus beyond anything J&J could ever approach.

Internet Radio and Closed Circuit Focused Radio: Use traditional means but understand, for the professional PR Execs, the world has changed.  There are hundreds and hundreds of very influential closed circuit, carrier circuit or low power broadcasting – and do not think just United States. These exist in all countries and are incredibly influential.  Include these in your outreach.  Here in Dallas there are about twenty of these that broadcast to hundreds of thousands of listeners.  They are everywhere.  Here is a primer:

Blogging Networks:  Not only develop your own blogging network but go to the Mommy Bloggers.  You can use Cision’s List.  ( Link Here )  Make sure everyone knows, Band Aid is run by crooks.  I assure you J&J is paying bloggers to promote their products.  Not all bloggers respond to paid promotion.  Evaluate who can carry your message.

Social Media: J&J dominates this niche.  Your PR Execs will have to guide you extensive here.

Press Releases:  Put out press releases once a week.  Internet press releases are fine.  There is no need to use the most expensive release.  The least expensive, internet release will work for you.  There are new inexpensive ways to put out press releases.  See Avangate.

Your have P.R. execs.  Let them guide you.   Develop slogans, focus on the young. “Band Aid Is Run By Crooks” will influence generations when they are selecting a product and they will not chose Band Aid for generations.

SEO matters but if you build a large blogging network based on different servers it will matter less.

The Right Message for the Right Age Group

Teenagers and College Students: Expose J&J’s tactics to the  young, teenagers and college students.  These are tomorrow’s buyers.  These are the children of the attorney’s and J&J exec’s.  These are the people you need to be speaking to.

No one believes it is cool to exploit old people – to benefit from their shortened life expectancy – to be subjected to deferred prosecution while people with small amounts of marijuana or other drugs actually serve time.

No one is going to approved of Johnson & Johnson – but to inform the public you have to INFORM THEM in their venues and with their tools.  Ask any marketer … teenagers matter.

Professors and MBA’s:  Write white papers on corrupt corporations and use J&J as the example.  Tie in legal representation to deferred prosecution.  Publish them for college students who are always looking for subjects and resources for school papers.  Write these papers for them to use.  Make them the length of a college essay and put them in a college essay format so they will be drawn to them.

Debunk the “Too Big to Fail” myth.  Reporters will be drawn to documented well researched articles.  Published the detailed version, and the “executive summary” version, referencing the detailed version.  If you are a professor, you understand the importance of footnoting and documentation. This MUST be error free.

Too often reporters are pushed for time and stop at the simple explanation: “TOO BIG TO FAIL but we accomplished this….”  Rebuff this succinctly and in ten bullet points.  Support that position in detailed papers for professors to teach and in college essays for students to reference.

Publish not only on your own blog but at Seeking Alpha.  This researched input will be crucial as the foundation of the documentary.

Children: Let  children understand these complex issues. They really can, just put them in their frame of reference. Create children’s books in rhyme.  Let the artists illustrate them.

Tell the story of Band Aid and a corrupt corporation.

Use street style artwork.

“Mommy, may I have a Band Aid?

I skinned my knee when I played.”

“No, darling, we don’t use Band Aids,

J&J hurt you Grandpa, I’m afraid.

J&J was run by crooks who did not go to prison,

They still making money and having fun.”

“Is that why Grandpa cannot walk?”

“I think so, my dear, but he can still talk!”

“Is that why Grandpa is making a movie?

“Exactly my dear, he calls that groovy!”

“I’m a big boy, I’m going outside to swing,

I don’t need Band Aid or anything.”

Go Humorous – Go Viral

Ridicule, humor and exposure will be your MOST effective weapon. Short, succinct and scathing.

Go HUMOROUS … GO VIRAL.   It will be much more effective than virtually anything else you can do.  Expose J&J and the lawyers that keep them out of jail, and allow them to continue to exploit people who trusted them.  There are experienced people that can help.

Be open and honest about what you are doing.  If asked are you targeting J&J, respond,

“No more than they  targeted me.”

Working in collaboration to make a difference will make you feel better. You children will most likely be pleased to see you fighting back and involved.  This is good for you and good for the WORLD.  This problem extends far beyond the United States.  Sometimes we forget we are not the center of the universe.

Prayer:  I believe in the power of prayer.  Prayer does many things, your single prayer and your group prayer.  It focuses your attention, it rights your goals, and you are speaking to God.  Ask your ministers to lead you in prayer as you move forward.


You wanted to know who hurt you; maybe it’s naive to think others want to know as well.  Maybe not.

The ball’s in your court.


Johnson&Johnson_Unite_AND_Fight-hourglassJ&J and their attorneys have factored your reduced lifespan into virtually every calculation – the cancer latency period, your financial awards, you ability to fight back.

Is your time, your quality of life worth so much less than theirs?

You have worked hard all you lives so that you could enjoy these years.  J&J executives and the lawyers that support them have robbed you of that enjoyment.

Tick – Tock. Time matters, it certainly matters to the attorneys who bill by the hour. And just how much by the hour do they bill – do they earn?

Is your time worth less than theirs?

Tick – Tock … or as T.S. Eliot put it after he turned from aetheism to faith in his poem Ash Wednesday:

Why Should the Aged Eagle Stretch Its Wings?

Why Is DePuy Too Big to Fail ?

Tell me exactly why DePuy is too big to fail?  Please answer that question with specifics as to the disasterous consequence should DePuy fail.

Tell me exactly why DePuy is too big to fail? Please answer that question with specifics as to the disasterous consequence should DePuy fail.