Lee Ann Torrans --- Fair Park Esplanade Fountain

Lee Ann Torrans --- Fair Park Esplanade Fountain

The Social Security Administration has included early-onset Alzheimer’s disease among the medical conditions that will be given automatic approval for disability benefits, rather than have individuals go through what could be a lengthy qualification process.

Fast-tracking the process to obtain benefits, the Social Security Administration is assisting countless younger individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and their families whose quality of life depends on this type of support. The Compassionate Allowance will make an enormous difference in enabling affected individuals to move toward managing their diagnosis and planning for the future.

In its recent announcement, the Social Security Administration said that it is adding 38 conditions, including early-onset Alzheimer’s disease, to its list of Compassionate Allowances–a way of quickly identifying diseases and other medical conditions that clearly qualify for Social Security and Supplemental Security Income disability benefits. It allows the agency to electronically target and make speedy decisions for the most obviously disabled individuals. Electronic identification of the additional conditions begins March 1.

For information, call 866-AFA-8484 or visit www.alzfdn.org.