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So far Lee Ann Torrans has created 136 blog entries.

Looking at the full scope of disablity


As many as 30 percent of all Americans between 35 and 65 will suffer a disability lasting at least 90 days. There are two primary programs offering disability insurance through the Social Security Administration. Social Security Disability Insurance pays benefits to qualified individuals younger than 65 regardless of current income. Benefits are based upon your Social Security earnings history. Social Security Supplemental Security Income pays benefits to qualified individuals who are either over 65, blind or disabled, and with limited income. Benefits are not related to the individual's record of Social Security earnings. It should be noted that neither SSDI or [...]

Looking at the full scope of disablity2017-04-11T22:13:48-05:00

Treasury Rule Change to Allow States to Seize All Federal Benefits for Upaid Child Support


Government policy will change to benefit claims for back child support allowing states to seize one hundred percent of federal benefits from people who owe back child support. States have historically have only been able to attach 65 percent of benefits from people who opted to be paid by paper check.  The Treasury Department recently modified its policy to electronically all benefits including Social Security, disability and veterans’ benefits. A separate Treasury Department rule, in place since last May in a preliminary form, guarantees states the power to freeze the bank accounts of people who collect federal benefits and owe child [...]

Treasury Rule Change to Allow States to Seize All Federal Benefits for Upaid Child Support2017-04-09T14:10:20-05:00

Claim Evaluation


Your Claim Evaluation 1. APPLY FOR DISABILITY AFTER YOU STOP WORKING. If you stop working due to a disability you should apply for Social Security benefits. You have only a narrow window of opportunity for application which typically is five (5) years. However, if there is a gap in your work record this window of opportunity may be reduced to one or two years. This is often a problem with mothers who drop out of the work force for a number of years to raise children. 2. SUFFICIENT NUMBER OF QUARTERS OF WORK. If you have worked very little and do [...]

Claim Evaluation2017-04-11T18:28:58-05:00

Muscular Dystrophy Drug: $89,000 a Year.


A drug to treat muscular dystrophy will hit the U.S. market with a price tag of $89,000 a year despite being available for decades in Europe at a fraction of that cost. Marathon Pharmaceuticals LLC's  has priced a muscular dystrophy drug at $89,000 annually.  This drug has been available in Europe at about $1,600 per year with patients purchasing it generally from the United Kingdom where they are able to purchase deflazacort from an online pharmacy.  FDA regulations prohibit drug importation and families will no longer be able to purchase the drug from the U.K. but will be required to purchase [...]

Muscular Dystrophy Drug: $89,000 a Year.2019-10-13T11:45:36-05:00

SSA Obtains Direct Access to Payroll Records


The Social Security Administration has decided to increase its data access authority with the development of rules and policies which would allow SSA to access electronic payroll information.  The goal is to reduce improper payments and improve administration SSA benefits programs and in order to determine eligibility. The payroll data-matching capability will allow SSA field offices' to access this data through SSA automated systems.  

SSA Obtains Direct Access to Payroll Records2017-02-09T15:52:53-05:00

What Is Involved in Appeals Process


What is involved in the Appeals Process? If you have received a denial of benefits there is a Social Security Disability appeals process. As with any governmental process, there are certain procedures one must follow. According to the Social Security Administration, if you wish to appeal, you must make your request in writing within 60 days of the date of the denial letter. In most states there are four levels of appeal. They are: Reconsideration Hearing by an Administrative Law Judge Review by the Appeals Council Federal Court Do I Need a Lawyer? Having an Social Security Disability attorney at any [...]

What Is Involved in Appeals Process2017-04-11T18:19:30-05:00

Private Investigators and Disability Claims


Private Investigators Engage In: Are private investigators hired to evaluate your disability claim? Yes. Private disability carriers and employers often hire investigators. In 2012, nearly nine million people were receiving monthly SSDI checks. Verifiable accidents and injuries such as amputations, head injuries, broken bones, heart attack, stroke, have been consistent percentage-wise. Lee Ann Torrans McKinney Social Security Disability Attorney notes, Claims based on mental disorders and back pain together make up more than half of all disability claims, according to a Social Security Administration report from 2011. Surveillance: Investigative surveillance includes both audio and video. The idea is to record the [...]

Private Investigators and Disability Claims2017-04-11T18:44:59-05:00