J&J Test


yep, they are paying attention! Walnut, United States   IP: [unblock]  Hostname: unassigned.psychz.net Read more about "psychz.net" on multiple sites. While you may find meaning and take strength from this poem, remember Rock 'n'Roll Stars are the poets of today.  Turn to rockers to support your creative works.  If you need help communicating with or finding the right band, let me know. T.S. Eliot's Ash Wednesday is long but it is a wonderful poem.  (Ash Wednesday first section here - entire poem here) Why should the aged eagles stretch his wing ... I rejoice having to construct something upon which to [...]

J&J Test2019-10-13T11:45:47-05:00

Band Aid – J&J Documentary


The Texas western sun sets on DePuy. Why Should the Aged Eagle Stretch Its Wings? J&J can get away with a lot.  Can they get away with impunity?  That is not just a question for Attorney Generals, the Department of Justice, foreign governments. That is also a question for you. Organize, Unite and Fight. You are Johnson & Johnson's worst nightmare. Welcome to 2015.  J&J and their attorneys are still stuck in 1999.  Their stock is soaring. It's Time for the Serious Attorneys Johnson & Johnson and three sets of their attorneys have reviewed today's post including Duane Morris;  [...]

Band Aid – J&J Documentary2019-10-13T11:45:47-05:00